We prevent child abuse before it happens. We intervene when it does. We treat when healing is needed. The region’s leader in the fight against child abuse.
5 protective factors of preventing child abuse

Knowledge of Parenting & Child Development
Children thrive when parents provide not only affection, but also respectful communication and listening, consistent rules & expectations, and safe opportunities that promote independence.

Parents who can cope with the stresses of everyday life, as well as an occasional crisis, have resilience. They have the flexibility and inner strength necessary to bounce back when things are not going well.

Social Connections
Parents with a social network of emotionally supportive friends, family, and neighbors often find that it is easier to care for their children and themselves.

Social & Emotional Competence
Children’s early experiences of being nurtured and developing a positive relationship with caring adults affects all aspects of behavior and development.

Concrete Support
Families who can meet basic needs for food, clothing, housing, and transportation—and are able to access services such as childcare, healthcare, and mental health—are better able to ensure the safety and well-being of their children.
prevention services
Prevent before it happens

BJWL Out-of-School-Time
The Beverly Jewel Wall Lovelace Out of School Time Program (BJWL) is a provider of out-of-school time services in Allegheny County, currently located in 7 public housing communities. Five days a week during the school year and during the summer months, we inspire learning, keep children safe and promote well-being through social and academic programming.
Children from Kindergarten-18 years old.
No referral required. No fee.
Phone: 412-363-1702 EXT. 1905 Email: [email protected]

Hill District Family Center
We provide parent education and support, opportunities for family interactive groups and family goal planning, as well as child development through school-readiness activities. Programs are designed and led by Family Support Center members, providing a supportive environment of peers.
No referral required. No fee.
Phone: 412-363-1702 EXT. 1999 Email: [email protected]

Reach Out to Families
We focus on parent education, working with parents with children 0-18 to develop nurturing and attachment skills. We reduce parent-child conflict and family discord; help connect families to community resources, and offer tools for creating a safe space where the family can grow and build healthy relationships.
No referral required. No fee.
Phone: 412-363-1702 PRESS 2
Email: [email protected]
Intervention Services
Intervene when something happens

Family Unification Services
We provide support and education for families who are at risk of separation, foster care placement, or adoption. We also provide services for families who have been separated and are working toward reunification and developing positive relationship patterns and skills.
Referral required from CYF Resource Coordinator or Casework Supervisor.
Phone: 412-363-1702 EXT. 1127
Email: [email protected]

Parent-Teen Mediation
We offer free counseling to families with children 8-21 years old who are experiencing conflict, struggling to create or maintain a positive home environment, or having difficulty managing a child or teenager’s behavior. We focus on structure, communication, and relationship skill building to enhance family function.
Call or email for more information.
Phone: 412-363-1702 PRESS 2
Email: [email protected]

Joint Planning Team
We support families with children 5-21 years old with a mental health diagnosis who are involved in multiple systems. Wraparound facilitators address the unique needs of the child and family to develop an individualized care plan. We work to enable the child to remain safely in their home and community with appropriate support and resources.
Call or email for more information.
Phone: 412-363-1702 PRESS 2
Email: [email protected]
treatment services
Treat when healing is needed
Counseling Center
We’re glad you’re considering Family Resources for your journey. The support of counselors has proven to be effective in the lives of individuals and families experiencing stress, anxiety, and depression. The staff at the Counseling Center are trained professionals who use evidence-based approaches to best serve you. Although it can be difficult, every destination is reached by taking one step at a time. Visit Page
Call or email for more information.
Phone: 412-363-1702 PRESS 2
Email: [email protected]

Family Based Mental Health
Through comprehensive therapeutic interventions and trauma-informed care, we support families of children who are at risk of child abuse and/or neglect or are affected by mental health issues. Our services are child-focused, family-centered, culturally sensitive, collaborative with other systems, and work to keep each child in the home.
Call or email for more information.
Phone: 412-363-1702 PRESS 2
Email: [email protected]
FURiends of Family Resources
Mac & Cheese, our English Labrador Retrievers, are on their journey to complete 150 hours of training to pass their Public Access Test and become Facility Dogs at Family Resources. They will work collaboratively with our mental & behavioral health specialists, educators, and licensed therapists to help families and children recover from trauma.
Working 10-30 hours per week, Mac and Cheese will be in various settings such as our Therapeutic Preschool, Outpatient Counseling Center, BJWL Afterschool Program, and in the homes of families receiving our services. Visit Page
Call or email for more information.
Phone: 412-363-1702 PRESS 2
Email: [email protected]
Therapeutic Preschool
We support social and emotional learning for children ages 3-5 years old. Here, children who have experienced trauma and need emotional and behavioral support can find the environment that they need to heal, build confidence and pave the way to be successfully enrolled in a traditional school setting. Visit Page
Call or email for more information.
Phone: 412-363 1702 PRESS 2
Email: [email protected]